Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Script - Simple Conversation with a Doctor

Doctor : Hello! What can I do for you?
Patient : Good Morning Doctor. I am not well.
Doctor : Please have a seat.
Doctor : Open your mouth.
Doctor : How long have you not been feeling well?
Patient : Since yesterday.
Doctor : No problem.  Did you have a bowel movement yesterday?
Patient : No Doctor.
Patient : Doctor, I feel dizzy.
Patient : I don’t feel like eating at all.
Doctor : Do you have any other problems?
Patient : I feel like vomiting.
Doctor : Do you drink a lot of water?
Patient : No Doctor, I don't drink too much.
Doctor : Did you take any medication?
Patient : Yes Doctor, I took Anacin.
Doctor : Who told you to take it?
Patient : Nobody Doctor. I took it myself.
Doctor : Why did you take it?
Patient : Because I had a headache.
Doctor : Nothing to be worried about.
Doctor : Do you need immediate relief?
Patient : No need sir. The medication you give me is enough.

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