Monday, June 8, 2015

Questions Your Doctor May Ask

  Chronic Cough

  • How long have you had the cough?
  • Did your cough start with an illness or a lung infection?
  • Do you cough all of the time, or only during or after activity?
  • Do you cough after meals?
  • What time of the day is your cough the worst?
  • Do you cough up mucus? If so, what color is the mucus? Is it thick and viscous, or is it thin and runny? How much mucus do you cough up?
  • Do you have chest discomfort with your cough?
  • Do you experience difficulty breathing with your cough?
  • Have you had a fever recently?
  • Have you lost weight recently?
  • Do you ever have night sweats?

Shortness of Breath

  • Do you feel you have to work hard to breathe?
  • For how long have you been feeling short of breath, having difficulty taking a deep, satisfying breath, feeling winded, or working hard to breathe?
  • How often do you feel short of breath?
  • Are you short of breath all of the time, or only during or after activity?
  • Do you limit the kinds of activities you do because of shortness of breath?
  • Do you also have a cough?
  • Do you experience wheezing with your shortness of breath?
  • Do you experience any chest pain?
  • Have you had a fever recently?
  • Have you lost weight recently?
  • Do you ever sweat at night?
  • Do you feel 'tightness' more in your throat or in your lungs?

Diffuculty Breathing

  • For how long have you been experiencing difficulty breathing?
  • Are there certain seasons or times of the year that you have difficulty breathing more than others?
  • During what part of the day do you typically have difficulty breathing?
  • Is it worse at certain times than at others?
  • Do you also cough?
  • Do you also feel short of breath when you have difficulty breathing?
  • Do you ever feel like you're choking?
  • Do you feel any nasal discharge in the back of your throat (post-nasal drip)?
  • If so, is the discharge thick and viscous, or thin and slimy? What color is the discharge? How much mucus are you producing?
  • Do you ever experience a gagging or choking sensation?
  • Do you feel like you have to clear your throat all of the time?
  • Have you had a fever recently?
  • Have you lost weight recently?
  • Do you ever have night sweats?

Note: A chronic cough, shortness of breath, or wheezing can be symptoms of serious medical conditions. If you experience any of these symptoms, we recommend that you see a doctor.

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