Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Script - Headache

Patient:   Doctor, I am  really sick! 

Doctor:   Tell me what you  feel.

Patient:   My head hurts. I have a constant headache!

Doctor:   Do you have a  fever?

Patient:  No.  But my back hurts too.

Doctor:   Are you sleeping well?

Patient:  No, I wake up every hour. The pain is there all the time.

Doctor:   Do you have pain  in your stomach?

Patient:   Some of the time.

Doctor:     Do you have pain in your neck?

Patient:    No.

Doctor:     Does your throat sting?

Patient:    No.

Doctor:     Are you coughing at night?

Patient:    No.

Doctor:    I understand.  I  think I know what the problem is.

Patient:   Will I have to have blood tests or x-rays?

Doctor:    No, that won't be necessary.

Patient:   Good. 
Doctor:   Just take two of these tablets every four hours for a week.  You should feel better in a 
few days. You don't have to worry at all. 
Patient:   Thank you doctor. I  feel better already.

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