Thursday, July 2, 2015

Telephone Etiquette

How to Plan Your Telephone Conversation

  1. Introduce yourself:  "Hello, this is _____ calling from _____."
  2. Ask if this is a good time to talk:  "Are you busy?  I just need _____ minutes of your time."
  3. State the reason for the call:  "I'm calling about...  I would like to discuss..."
  4. Discuss your key points:  Keep to the point and don't wander off to topic.
  5. Agree any follow-up:  Decide details for any forther call, email, or meeting.
  6. Say goodbye.

How to Respond

  1. If you are busy, say:
    • "I am busy.  May I call you back?"
    • "I am busy.  Can you call me back in ____ minutes?"
    • "I am in a meeting.  May I call you back?"
    • "I am with a patient.  Can you call me back in ____ minutes?"
  2. If you are not busy, say:
    • "No, I'm not busy.  How may I help you?"

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